SolarEdge S-Series Power Optimizer

Delivering Maximum Power Safely

In 2006, SolarEdge invented the DC optimized inverter solution, forever changing the way solar energy is harvested in PV systems. By connecting Power Optimizer to each PV module, we enabled maximum energy production and system safety. Now we are upgrading safety, yet again.

The new SolarEdge S-Series Power Optimizers are game-changers now on Solarity Stock.

SolarEdge S-Series Power Optimizers include SolarEdge Sense Connect patented technology, which raises the bar in PV system safety. These innovative Power Optimizers are designed to detect PV connector overheating, whether from installation or other environmental issues, preventing potential electric arc events or connector damage. Additional improvements to the Power Optimizer installation experience mean it’s even easier to extract the maximum amount of energy from each PV module.

        • SafeDCTM: Ensures the PV system’s DC voltage is reduced to touch-safe levels during grid failures or when the inverter is shut down, in up to five minutes.
        • Sense Connect: The patented technology detects faulty wiring that can potentially cause electric arcs.
        • Rapid Shutdown: Allows fast discharge of conductors to safe voltage levels, within 30 seconds.
        • Arc Fault Prevention: Detect and terminate electric arcs through automatic inverter shutdown.
        • Module-Level Monitoring: Sends automatic notifications on system issues, helping to prevent potential safety risks.

SolarEdge Most Advanced Power Optimizers Yet

They’re Smart

If a thermal event is detected in a connector, the smart S-Series Power Optimizer automatically notifies the installer and initiates system shutdown when necessary. The installer can immediately identify the faulty connector and prevent such events from developing into a safety hazard. Early detection and prevention mean real O&M savings. The S-Series is also future-proofed to manage the technology requirements of today and tomorrow’s PV modules.

They’re Simple.

A new and improved cable design means easier installations. With three short cables and one long one, connectors stay closer to the Power Optimizer and “float” in the air, which minimizes exposure to isolation faults that can be caused by a wet environment. We’ve also simplified SolarEdge Power Optimizer model range with a streamlined line-up that makes it easier to design, order and store.

They’re Safe.

Sense Connect is patented technology designed to prevent arcs from occurring.* The connections are monitored 24/7 to detect irregular connector behavior and, if necessary, initiate an inverter shut down to avoid electric arc events and connector damage. This extra level of protection can surpass even the most stringent arc detection standards. SolarEdge SafeDC™, automatically shuts down module DC voltage during inverter or grid shutdown and is built-in to the S-Series models as before.

How Does SolarEdge Sense Connect Work?


Identifies connector
temperature as abnormal


Shuts down
inverter production


Monitoring Platform.
Connector location is
visible in the physical layout


Monitoring App.
Notifies installer,
including location identification

Introducing the New S-Series Power Optimizers for Residential Installations

Exceptional Efficiency with S-Series

As with all SolarEdge Power Optimizers, the S-Series is extraordinarily efficient (99.5%) which enables homeowners to produce more energy. With a 1:1 module connection and MPP tracking per module, mismatch loss is negligible. And as always, installers and homeowners benefit from real-time, module-level performance monitoring, accessible from anywhere with their SolarEdge apps.

What Sense Connect Offers Installers

Detection of potential
thermal events

On-site identification of
faulty installation

Fast detection of faulty
connection location

Automatic inverter

Benefits You Expect From SolarEdge

      • 25-year Power Optimizer warranty
      • Robust and reliable technology
      • Advanced safety built-in
      • Higher system energy production

Next new thing from SolarEdge: SolarEdge Energy Net…coming soon










