A sustainable long-term investment with SolarEdge and Canadian Solar

“A system with SolarEdge and Canadian Solar is one of the best long-term investments I have ever done, for me, my family, for our financial well-being and our environment. I give the system a perfect 10 out of 10”.

High electricity bills and a desire to do something positive for the environment prompt more and more households to turn to solar energy. Indeed, installing a PV (photovoltaic) system reduces costs significantly, all the while providing a durable electricity supply. The following is a case study of a PV system installed by our partner SUNSAY Energy.

Sunsay CanadianSolar SolarEdge PV system

Residential installation in Plyuty, Ukraine

Bogdan, SUNSAY Energy’s client, contacted them for installing a PV system in Plyuty, about 40 km from Kyiv, Ukraine. With an installation period of just five days, the installers were able to easily install the system on the house. For Bogdan, the decision to install a PV system came after evaluating three facts: 

        • Producing solar energy is both cost-effective and leaves room for more annual income in the long run. 
        • Not only the price of solar panels have been rapidly falling, but the so-called green tariffs in Ukraine also enable an economically sound and long-term investment.
        • Bogdan wanted to become part of the global trend known as the Energy Transition: a network of conscientious individuals who no matter if the reasons are moral or purely financial, are actively making a difference in reducing energy waste and safeguarding our environment.

The following components were installed:

        • Solar panels: Canadian Solar 310 W mono
        • Optimizers: SolarEdge P700
        • Inverter: SolarEdge 27.6 K

Generate your own electricity in the most efficient way

“There really is no excuse not to install a comprehensive PV system like SolarEdge. Not only because of the affordable price and extra income provided but also because of its ease of installation and use” – CEO & Founder, SUNSAY Energy.

Aside from striving to make positive global changes, let’s take into account some simple energy measurements. With an installation of 28.2 kWp, Bogdan can expect a median energy output of up to 35 000 kWh per year which results in an annual income of about 4 300$ (subject to green tariffs).

Canadian Solar

As SUNSAY Energy stated: “Canadian Solar panels’ ratings speak for their quality.”

Canadian Solar is regularly listed in the TOP 5 of the TIER 1 solar panel manufacturers list which demonstrates its strong position as a supplier worldwide. Not only the panels’ ratings speak for their quality, but the price also is affordable and makes an excellent value for money. 


“With SolarEdge, I am no longer afraid of snow, dirt, debris, and shading.”

In a typical PV system, a weaker or mildly damaged panel will affect the overall performance. This is of no concern with SolarEdge optimizers, as they allow each panel to generate the maximum energy with negligible energy losses. 

Panels can be mounted on the most complex roofs made up of the most different kinds of materials. Thanks to SolarEdge, panels get an excellent surface to panel ratio, using every inch of roof space efficiently, offering the highest possible level of performance. 

SolarEdge monitoring system

“I can check all of my power outputs with a swipe of my cell-phone or a click of my PC”.

SolarEdge also incorporates a real-time monitoring platform accessible from your cell-phone, PC and other portable devices that is simple to use and completely free of charge. The monitoring system continuously tracks the efficiency and productivity of every single solar panel.

Daily power production per panel

When a SolarEdge inverter is connected to the internet, it transmits system information to the free monitoring platform which visualizes and tracks the performance of each panel in the system. Thanks to this feature, it helps to easily identify the panel that is not producing the expected output and needs to be fixed.

Day-by-day system production, April 2020 

Daily system production in the period of April 21-28

Maintenance & Safety

Not only performance-effective, SolarEdge technology also minimizes any potential safety risk. SolarEdge’s SafeDC is a built-in module safety feature that lowers the risk of electric shock during maintenance or in case of PV fire hazards. Not to mention that SolarEdge also provides a long warranty period: a 25-year warranty on power optimizers and 12 years on inverters. 

In case of network, wiring or any other technical issues, the SafeDC module kicks in automatically, placing the entire system in “safe-mode” limiting the voltage in each solar panel down to 1 volt. This provides maximum safety and protection for installers, firefighters and of course, for the home and family of our clients.

An investment for the future

With a payback period of only 6 years, an all-inclusive system as such is a cost-effective investment for the future, producing a highly sustainable power supply. The advantages of having a high-tech and comprehensive system (as opposed to more affordable, but much less effective systems in the long run) are significant. For more information about the cost comparison between standard systems and SolarEdge, you can consult the article about the LCOE indicator.

Production overview

Power production overview report as of April 27, 2020










