Solarity ranks among the top PV brands in MENA by EUPD Research for Wholesale

According to the results, Solarity has officially achieved the TOP PV brands in the Middle East and North Africa as the top wholesaler for 2022, according of a comprehensive survey carried out by EUPD Research.
It was achieved after the team in Jordan prepared a presentation related to the regions we are covering in MENA alongside a comprehensive customer satisfaction form filled from > 10 clients in these regions showing the volume, efforts, and development that have been done during the previous period.

About EUPD Research

EUPD Research, since its establishment in 2000, has developed and integrated many solutions to reach sustainability. And this can be achieved by doing market research which is the basis of EuPD Research services.

We are here to trust the EUPD’s method of live research and the accurate analysis of many surveys received from our valued customers with positive feedback. 


And here we will take this opportunity to thank the organization for their high trust in our services and the whole team.

Solarity is always trying to create a positive atmosphere in the work and develop the company strategy. We are doing so to reach the optimal framework to guarantee our customers’ best service. And this is precisely what, in our opinion, means for the success of the company.










